Engelsk info




       Information in English

The bar assocation Advokathuset Liljedahl consists of 3 lawyers and 1 law assistants.  One of our lawyers is a polish EØS-lawyer. We are situated in Moss, a prosperous town approximately 50 km south of the capital Oslo.

We offer legal advice in all areas, both to businesses and to private clients. However, our areas of expertise are:

•Property law

•Criminal law

•Family law

•Employment law

•Contract law

•Consumer law

•Socoal secirty right

•Education right

We give the client our full attention and work hard and pragmatic to achieve the best results for the client.   

We are member of Eurésau, a worldwide alliance of reputable law firms located throughout Europe and South America, which provides members with easy access to one another’s legal system. 

Contact information

Adress:            Varnaveien 39 1526 Moss

Telephone:      +47 69 27 96 50

E-mail:            post@advokathusetliljedahl.no

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